Here is a great project of homemade 3d printable casing for underwater photography made by MoonLanding. Underwater photographs show it works well and it's fully functional.It consist of handles and enclosure...
Spor is a self-regenerating battery charger for USB devices. It can be charged by an outlet or passively via the sun. It can charge multiple devices at once, and can charge your phone practically as...
If you think that your Prusa Mendel sucks you can upgrade it in various ways. Here is one possibility: the Titan developed by Justin Trisnamawan and Andy Chu.It is not well documented and there...
This quadcopter was made with 3D Air pen which is probably just another Asian 3d drawing pen (which may not be a bad thing). Build time was approximately 2.5 hours. there is...
SCADBoard Library is an OpenSCAD library for making 3D printed circuit boards. You can load it into OpenSCAD and develop your own electronic boards.SCADboard running in OpenSCADFirst project made...
MOD-t is new contender at lowest priced consumer home 3d printer previously held by (still undelivered) M3D Micro. They also claim ease of use and combine their machine with model marketplace developed...
I love documentaries and here is the one I'm waiting for. Print the Legend. Oh yes. Here is the trailer: Here is interview with makers Luis Lopez and Clay Tweel (who previously made THE KING OF KONG,...
You will need a lot of filament for this project! It is a full size 3d printable chair which you can print on your standard home 3d printer in 202 or 77 interlocking pieces. Number of pieces depends...
Mario Lukas developed OpenExposer, low cost open source SLA 3d printer. OpenExposer is much more than just a 3d printer, it can also be used as UV PCB exposer, laser harp or show laser....
The Mk1 3d printer is designed and built by father and son team: Earnie Garner and Earnie Garner Jr., who for the last ten years have owned and operated a local technology business in Wahpeton, North...
Andreas Bastian made this guide for sand blasting 3d printed PLA objects to give matte surface finish with reduced visible layering and shiny parts.His conclusions were:Even blasting helps the final...
QU-BD One Up is one of the most affordable 3d printers sold and DELIVERED. Maybe even the most affordable on with price of 199 $. It is produced by Quintessential Universal Building Device, Inc....
Robo 3D announced their new flagship, the R2 which will be available for pre-order this summer.Robo 3D R2R2 technical specifications:10 x 10 x 10 inch build volume that is 40% larger than one on...
SPRING Technologies is exhibiting in booth 868 at the MMTS (Montreal Manufacturing Technology Show), from May 12 to 14.SPRING's exhibit will highlight the features, benefits and applications of the company's...
Aerospace Manufacturing and Design Online Magazine posted an article on SPRING Technologies to outline the result of several years’ collaboration with major aerospace customers, NCSIMUL Machine 9.1 can...
3Dvix is a new marketplace for 3d models.From their description:3DVIX is an online marketplace where you can buy and sell 3D models and 3D-printed objects. Here you will find amazing designs by 3DVIX...
Here are some cool colored 3d printed molecule models printed on Form 1.From top to bottom, DNA, a bacteriophage, a carbon nanotube, ATP synthase, and an unfinished model of chromatin with DNA, nucleosomes,...
Bas de Bruijn, well known for his "pressure adjusted velocity controlled extrusion", made made this interesting wire embedding setup where a slew ring turned by a stepper motor connected...
Hype machine is in action again with this "fruit 3d printer" contraption. Let us give some perspective to this:It doesn't print actual fruitOnly "fruit" "printed" is a "raspberry" or to be more...
From the people who brought you 3Dagogo comes AstroPrint wireless 3d printing control platform. They are on Kickstarter now and managed to get funded in on day. You can see their full campaign here:
Ryan Smith developed this virtual reality interface for 3d printing with CastAR glasses. When you look at your 3d printer it will show VR version of printed object which can be animated to show more...
... accidentally .... :-)Source: drawn by Jon CarterPS: I wonder how come nobody made an Excel chart to STL tool...
E3D is well known for their excellent hotends. Now they have released new model: the v6. v6 is next-generation full metal hotend for RepRap 3D printers.E3D v6 hotendv6 release video: Here is v6...
This music video by MIA was probably made to be "provocative", and it has all the "bad things to make with 3d printer" cliches like 3d printed guns and key copies. MIA is commercial artist with "bad...
Adafruit has another great DIY project with wearable technology. They show you how to make wearable RaspberryPi display where the display attachment is 3d printed and can be attached to standard glasses...
Photography equpiment is expensive and there is more pleasure in making it yourself. JonasK designed and made this 3d printable mini macro photography studio.Construction manual, STL files and example...
Four university students (Aaron, Ananda, Matt & Michael) created an upgrade kit and guide for RepRapPro Huxley model. The upgrade includes: laser cut frame is in 6mm MDF, z axis bracket, fan...
This homemade Delta was built by Hesam with parts from old paper dot matrix printers and scanner. Frame is made from 16mm MDF board. MDF and some steel parts are cut on CNC but there...