One thing is sure: there will be much more litigation in the future ...
From the video description:
Three dimensional printing turns bits into atoms. The technology is simply amazing. These machines draw on programming, art and engineering to enable people to design and build intricate, beautiful, functional jewelry, machine parts, toys and even shoes. In the commercial sector, 3D printing can revolutionize supply chains as well. As the public interest group Public Knowledge wrote once, "It will be awesome if they don't screw it up."
The age of publicly accessible 3D printers and printing services is finally here, but are our legal doctrines up to the task of protecting the public while not screwing up a fantastic new tool? Stanford Law Professors Mark Lemley and Nora Freeman Engstrom, the CEO of Shapeways, the founder of Printrbot, the president of Airwolf 3D, and CIS Director of Civil Liberties Jennifer Granick discuss the product liablity and intellectual property issues surrounding this innovation.
- Mark Lemley - William H. Neukom Professor of Law at Stanford Law School
- Nora Freeman Engstrom - Associate Professor of Law at Stanford Law School
- Peter Weijmarshausen - CEO of Shapeways, 3D printing marketplace and community
- Brook Drumm - Founder of Printrbot, a desktop 3D printer you can build in a couple hours
- Erick Wolf - Intellectual Property Attorney and President of Airwolf 3D, an affordable, durable, and easy-to-use 3D printer
Jennifer Granick - Director of Civil Liberties at Stanford CIS
May 16, 2013
Stanford Law School
Hosted by the Stanford Center for Internet and Society