WAZER Desktop Waterjet Cutter

Wazer is first desktop water jet cutter that is affordable and compact enough to use at small workshop. It can cut trough metal and other materials.

Wazer is on Kickstarter now for 4499 USD:

Waterjet technology has significant advantages over conventional cutting methods:
  • Cuts any material
  • Achieves intricate detail
  • Requires no ventilation
  • Results in a smooth surface finish
  • No heat-induced material warping

How Wazer works and how to operate it:

MAKE presentation:

DiResta Wazer test where he cuts the knife out of old machete:

Wazer technical specifications:

Here is the Wazer Kickstarter:


Wazer company homepage:


I'm interested in operating costs of Wazer, specially the consumption of cutting abrasive. I think it is not recyclable. It could be really expensive.

Cool 3D Printed Mesh Frame Bicycle

This bicycle looks very cool! Does anyone know more about it?

Update: it is probably not 3D printed but uses a carbon and kevlar woven istutruss system.


Here is a PDF document about isotruss structures:


Still, I was unable to find how exactly are they produced ...

They are wound and woven in complex machines:


Video on isotruss industries:

Source of the photo: unknown, I found it on http://3dprintclub.tumblr.com/.

Turnigy Fabrikator Mini Review Compilation

Hobbyking Turnigy Fabrikator Mini is one of the cheapest 3d printers available. Here are several reviews that can help you decide is it worth to buy it.

Here is Herr Thomas:

Here is Dirk's review:

Here is Angus:

Looks it is a relatively good purchase ...

DIY SLS 3D Printer Made For 400 Euro

Vulcaman from Germany developed a DIY laser sintering (SLS) 3D printer that you can make for some 400 Euro or 450 USD.

Technical specifications:

  • 1W 445nm laser diode
  • 8 x 8 x 8cm build volume
  • 36 x 54 x 60cm outer dimensions
  • CORE-XY movement
  • speed: 60mm/s tested, 300mm/s possible
  • costs around 400€

Video of the machine in action:

Since the nylon powder that commercial SLS printers use costs some 200€ per kilogram, developer used much cheaper black powder for powder coating. This gear was printed in black powder coating material at 60mm/s it has dimensions of 3 x 3 x 0,5cm and took one hour to print.

Project homepage with very detailed step-by-step build guide:


Let the cheap DIY SLS era begin!!!

PrusaHand Open Source DIY Prosthetic Hand

PrusaHand is an open source 3d printable prosthetic hand project that was developed by Jenik at Prusa Research company. As most of you know, Prusa is well known for his 3d printer designs and I3 kits.

Project homepage:


GitHub repository:


3D Printed Construction Mesh Structures

Here are some examples how 3d meshes can be used to reinforce building structures. This technique is probably much more useful and applicable then cement paste extrusion.

Mesh Mould uses steel wire:

Project description:
The research project Mesh Mould investigates the unification of reinforcement and formwork into a single robotically fabricated material system. During the first research phase a spatial robotic extrusion process was developed, allowing to examine the interdependencies of mesh typology and rheological behavior of concrete (see Mesh Mould 2012 - 2014).
The second research phase at the National Competence Centre in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication focuses on the translation of the structurally weak polymer-based extrusion process into a fully load-bearing construction system. The current research focuses on the development of a fully automated bending and welding process for meshes fabricated from 3 mm steel wire.
The research involves the development of a fabrication-, and structurally-informed mesh typology as well as the subsequent collaborative development of a specialized robotic end-effector together with the Agile & Dexterous Robotics Lab of Professor Jonas Buchli.
More information on this project can be found at:


digiFABTuring and their robot arm attached plastic extruder which is more similar to common 3d printheads and could be done in a home workshop:

Here is a complete wall system with 3d printed polymer matrix made by Branch Technology:

They 3D printed a 7-foot-tall-by-3-foot-wide wall in 30 hours, and are currently extruding at a rate of 1.5 pounds per hour. The wall has a spray foam insulation, concrete core and inside/outside finish layer.

More info:


3D printed livable house or garden shed?

Alex Le Roux 3d printed what he calls a "first 3D printed livable house in the United States". I would say it's a garden shed. You decide.

It was done on a Vesta machine:

Vesta concrete 3d printer costs USD 8,999.00 and has 10ft x 10ft x 10ft build volume.

Project blog:


Vest printers homepage:


How do robots make robotic babies?

Stork? No. WiFi and 3D printing. Obviously.

A team of scientists at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam demonstrated how robots can evolve and reproduce. The first robot baby is a big step towards robotic ecosystems that can evolve in challenging environments. Two parent robots meet and exchange robotic DNA over WiFi which makes the baby in a 3d printer.

Original article in Dutch (Chrome Translate is your friend):


Happy 3D printed robotic family

Robots evolving and reproducing? Welcome to 2016. Also: I see no connections with any SF movie plots out there.

3D Printed and Laser Cut Open Source DIY Air Purifier

Ian van Mourik, a product designer from the Netherlands developed and open sourced an air purifier anyone can make. It is autonomous since it is controlled with Arduino and uses simple fans to move air trough particle filters and activated carbon.
It costs around 70 Euro. It has some laser cut parts from plywood but you could cut them manually or use different structural support since they are mostly decorative.
Looks like a great solution to improve your home air quality by removing dust and destroy mold particles or pollen (which I'm allergic to). Just keep in mind to change the filters or upgrade them with HEPA. Carbon filters get used up relatively fast.

Here is the video presentation:

Detailed build instructions can be found at:


3d printed air purifier parts that hold carbon and dust filters with fans that push the air

Prusa Gives Us Multi Material Upgrade with Dual and Quad Extrusion

Josef Prusa gives us a multi material extrusion upgrade for I3 Mk2 which looks great. It can come in dual and quad extrusion versions and will give you advanced options for your I3.

Here is the video presentation:

Final release is expected for shipping by the end of November 2016 and is it available for preorder.

  • 4 material version is $249 or €269 with VAT
  • 2 material version is $199 or €219 with VAT

Prusa homepage:


Hadrian X Robotic Truck That 3D Prints Buildings With Bricks

Australian company "Fastbrick Robotics" developed a robotic truck system that can lay 225 bricks per hour. It's a big 3d printer on wheels that uses robotic crane to build houses.
It is not cement paste extrusion that can be found in other building 3d printers, but it is additive, digital and making BIG 3d objects.
Personally, I'm not even sure that cement paste extrusion is the best way to get commercially viable construction machine for industry wide adoption and application as a standard house building tool.

People like brick.

Here is an interesting video presentation:

Company homepage:


It still needs some human assistance, so some jobs in construction field will be saved. Some. Few. For some time.

World's Largest 3D Print from ORNL

Oak Ridge National Laboratory made the world's larges 3D print that was recognized by Guinness World Records.

From project description:
Researchers at the MDF have 3D-printed a large-scale trim tool for a Boeing 777X, the world’s largest twin-engine jet airliner. The additively manufactured tool was printed on the Big Area Additive Manufacturing, or BAAM machine over a 30-hour period. The team used a thermoplastic pellet comprised of 80% ABS plastic and 20% carbon fiber from local material supplier

The tool has proven to decrease time, labor, cost and errors associated with traditional manufacturing techniques and increased energy savings in preliminary testing and will undergo further, long term testing.

Here is the time-lapse video of the process and it looks impressive:

ORNL homepage:


The SPRING US Team at IMTS 2016

            At IMTS it was important for the SPRING Team to highlight the benefits of our advanced module, NCSIMUL 4CAM, which switches existing CNC programs from Machine to Machine on the shop-floor. As we continue to push the boundaries of machine shop-floor management, we strive to increase flexibility and productivity across manufacturing.

Thank you to all those to stopped by to ask questions. Please contact us for any other additional inquiries! 

Gilles Battier, PDG de SPRING Technologies est nommé au Comité AERO-PME du GIFAS

Les PME expertes participent à la démarche collaborative du secteur aéronautique et spatial

SPRING Technologies, éditeur de logiciels pour une utilisation optimale et flexible des Machines à Commande Numérique, annonce la nomination de son PDG, Gilles Battier, au Comité AERO-PME du GIFAS . Le Groupement, véritable vitrine des industries aéronautique et spatiale françaises, fédère tout l'écosystème du domaine, des grands donneurs d'ordre, au PME, pleinement représentatives de ce marché. Le mot d'ordre : l'expertise et l'innovation ! Deux credo que SPRING connaît et maitrise parfaitement bien.
Pourquoi un Comité AERO-PME ?
Les PME, acteurs économiques et technologiques incontournables, sont les partenaires des grands groupes, mais pas seulement. Elles ont une capacité d'innovation et de compétences techniques fortes. Elles sont agiles et ingénieuses, elles savent réagir et s'adapter aux besoins des donneurs d'ordre dans ce secteur en perpétuelle évolution, avec un réel besoin de maitrise de la qualité et du temps. A ce titre, et pour l'expertise qu'elles peuvent apporter à tout l'écosystème, elles ont pleinement leur place au sein du GIFAS. SPRING Technologies en est l'exemple concret et répond totalement à tous ces critères.
Le point de vue de Gilles Battier, PDG :
« Le secteur aéronautique et spatial est un des fers de lance de l'industrie française et mondiale, le GIFAS en est l'organisme métier. Nous avons à cœur, grâce à notre savoir-faire et à nos technologies innovantes, de participer et d'aider ainsi à l'excellence de cette filière. Je suis content et fier de rejoindre le Comité AERO-PME pour y apporter et partager nos idées et nos innovations. C'est une belle reconnaissance du métier pour ce que nous sommes. Notre vision « mécanicienne » des process et processus nous permet d'accompagner, au plus proche de leurs besoins de production, les industriels du secteur dans leur transition et leur évolution vers l'Usine du futur ou Usine 4.0. »

Cheap 3D Printable RC Plane

If you own a 3d printed and want to get into RC flying on a low budget, here is a great project that will get you in the air.

Here is a very detailed build guide from design in CAD software to first flight instructions on Instructables:


Slovenian Makers 3D Printing and CNCing on Solar Power

IRNAS Institute is a Slovenian non-profit organization involved into DIY science projects, education and open source technology development.
They participate in many events and they demonstrated how additive and subtractive machines can be used powered by photovoltaic panels.

Here is their Troublemaker 3D printer in off-grid configuration:

Here is their GoodEnough Hybrid CNC making Aker planters on solar power:

Link to more extensive article and some other cool project by IRNAS:


Reinforcing thin concrete objects with 3d printed mesh

For some DIY projects you need thin concrete or cement walls. They are prone to brake under tension or fall impact.
Instructables user "ucn" from Singapore wanted to make strong thing concrete molded business cards and successfully reinforced them with 3d printed mesh frame. It looks that this technique works great and could be applied to other concrete projects where you need internal reinforcement structure.

Here is a detailed buold guide with prototypes that led to final sucess and strenght testing:


DIY 3D Printed Compressed Air Tank by CVRA

CVRA (Club Vaudois de Robotique Autonome) is a group of students and engineers passionate about robotics. It is based in Renens, Switzerland. They needed a compressed air tank for their robot project that could hold 4 bar (400kPa) of pressure.
They made several 3d printed prototypes in PLA and were successful in the end with tank holding some 6,5 bar sealed with some acrylic coating.
Interesting experiment, but be aware that pressurizing plastic containers with gas can lead to serious explosion.

Here is the advanced prototype sealed with "Doc Blue" sealant pressure tested under water:

Project homepage with extensive information and progression of development:


Here is the Hackaday post with lot of safety concerns and possible problems with this concept:


Stay safe kids!

Anti-Taser 3D Printed Chainmail

GreekGadgetGuru 3d printed a DIY mail armor and proved that it works well against taser stun baton.

It is also slightly slash and cut resistant ...

We are living in a strange times kids. Just sayin' ...

Makerbot Releases New 3D Printers and Declares the End of Consumer Market

Makerbot released their new 3d printers in some sort of public display of masochism. Why did you do this Makerbot?
The 3d printers are basically just a slight upgrades from previous models with larger print volume. It is aimed at "professional" market. Looks like you guys are mostly just not good enough profitable group for their stuff.

You can see their new stuff here;


Oh yes, they also have a new free slicer: the Makerbot Print


Here is Angus from Maker's Muse with some thoughts I can mostly agree with:

3D Printing and Marxism

We are still in a world that is dominated by political debates from old times and old technological systems.

Source: unknown

NinjaFlex 3D Printed Metamaterial Mechanisms

Team of researchers at Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany developed a technique that gives internal structure to objects that they printed on Ultimaker 2 in NinjaFlex filament. Since the structure is designed it gives the object mechanical movements enabling it to act as a tool or a device. 

From project description:
Recently, researchers started to engineer not only the outer shape of objects, but also their internal microstructure. Such objects, typically based on 3D cell grids, are also known as metamaterials. Metamaterials have been used, for example, to create materials with soft and hard regions.

So far, metamaterials were understood as materials—we want to think of them as machines. We demonstrate metamaterial objects that perform a mechanical function. Such metamaterial mechanisms consist of a single block of material the cells of which play together in a well-defined way in order to achieve macroscopic movement. Our metamaterial door latch, for example, transforms the rotary movement of its handle into a linear motion of the latch. Our metamaterial Jansen walker consists of a single block of cells—that can walk. The key element behind our metamaterial mechanisms is a specialized type of cell, the only ability of which is to shear.

In order to allow users to create metamaterial mechanisms efficiently we implemented a specialized 3D editor. It allows users to place different types of cells, including the shear cell, thereby allowing users to add mechanical functionality to their objects. To help users verify their designs during editing, our editor allows users to apply forces and simulates how the object deforms in response.

Personally I find that the software for design of those metamaterials is the most interesting part and would be of great use for DIY and Maker community. I don't know who has the property rights to that code, but I think if the research was funded by public money the code should be open sourced.

Project homepage:


PDF research paper with much more information:


MERL 5D Printing on a Custom Delta

After 4D printing comes 5d printing. It's just a fancy name for five axis 3D printing that enables more strength due to layers being extruded in optimized paths to resist more pressure force.
It is developed at  Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) on a custom delta machine with movable printbed.

Here is the explainer video:

PDF research paper on the topic:


More on the researcher:


DIY Polycarbonate Sheet Dehumidifier Chamber for your Filament

Akshay Gupta developed a 3d printing filament dehumidifier you can build yourself. It is made from common polycarbonate sheets and uses an Arduino, a cross flow fan, silica gel desiccant, sensors and a 100W heater to maintain a specific temperature and humidity in the chamber.

As you can see it can hold many spools of filament:

Looks like the great solution to keep your filament dry.

Detailed build guide:


Fully 3D Printable DIY mITX Computer Case

PawnBoy developed and shared his design of a fully 3d printable mITX computer case. It looks interesting but I'm not sure if all parts can be done in one piece. In any case if it's not 100% reproducible, it probably just needs some minor tweaks and it's a good base for further projects.

For all the files look at:


3dpBurner Open Source Laser Cutter and Engraver

3dpBurner is a DIY laser engraver and cutter project that uses 3d printed parts for the structural elements and movements. It also uses many standard parts like laser diodes and Arduino to make it work.

Here is what the developer writes about this project:
It is created with the same RepRap concept, by using 3D printed parts and some easy to find "vitamins" (non printed hardware).
I tried to design as cheap as possible, by using common electronics and a "low power" laser (a laser diode).
The X/Y working area is fully customisable by simply cutting the rods to desired length.
The max object height for working can be up to 50-60mm.
3dpBurner basically uses 3D printed parts, 8mm rods, M3/M8 hardware, some small bearings and a pair of GT2 pulley/belts. I got most parts from my "old" RepRap printer.
Motion is controlled by Arduino UNO, a CNC shield and a pair of Pololu based stepper drivers for driving two NEMA17 stepper motors.

The laser module is cooled by heatsink and forced air (small fan) and is drived by a constant current driver.
Personally I'm using the popular NDB7875 1.6W blue laser diode (note this diode is sold as being capable of up to 3W when overdrived), but you can use your own diode (DVD recorder, BluRay, M140...).

While 3dpBurner can be controlled by mostly GRBL based applications (gcode senders), i create a pair of Windows based ones. They provides an easy control and optimized gcode streaming for the GRBL firmware and also can be used for convert images to gcode files for gray scale engravings.

3dpBurner in action:

Project homepage with all the instructions how to make one:


Printtable DIY 3D Printer Made from IKEA Lack Tables

Wayne developed the Printtable 3D printer that uses IKEA table as a frame. It is sturdy and low in cost to make. And it gives a good use for those ugly IKEA furniture pieces if I may add.

Early version:

More detailed view:

CAD animation:

Extremely detailed step-by-step construction guide:


Project homepage:


Forum thread on 3dhubs:


Low Cost DIY UV Curing Chamber

kidNeutrino shared this great solution to UV curing of resin 3d printed parts. It's a low cost DIY solution that can be made for some 30 USD and consists of aluminum foil covered cardboard box and a gel nail dryer lamp.
You just put your part in, turn on the dryer UV lamp and let it cure.

Instuctables page with step-by-step build guide:


Jonathan Odom's 3D Printable Wireless Lantern Based on Qi Inductive Power Technology

Jonathan Odom developed and shared his great looking DIY 3d printable LED lamp. This battery powered wireless charging lantern will glow for 1.5 hours on a single charge. It works with a few cheap electronic parts and a USB charger. The USB cable plugs into the base, and the lamp sits on the base and charges through induction via Qi Universal transmitter and receiver.
The lamp housing, charging base, and lens are all 3D printed on a almost any standard FDM printer since the lamp is a 5" X 5" (127mm X 127mm) cube.

Extremely detailed build guide with all the .STL files can be found at:


MADspace Advanced Robotics System 3D Printable Rover

The MADspace Advanced Robotics System (M.A.R.S.) rover is a 3D printable space exploration rover. It can be used in education, DIY science and development.

Key features:
  • 6 driven wheels of which 4 can steer (pod wheels)
  • Rocker bogie suspension (semi-active, 2 shoulder servos)
  • Gyroscope
  • 16 channel I2C PWM driver
  • Raspberry Pi
  • 2 logitech c270 webcams with pan/tilt
  • Web interface written in web.py
  • Two 10Ah 5V battery packs, one for drive and one for logic.
Here is the video of first rover movements:

Project homepage with all the parts and instructions:


MARS was developed in Eindhoven MADspace by:

  • Paul Wagener (lead software)
  • Tom Geelen (Embedded control and mathematics)
  • Serdar Yildirim (all round)
  • Guus van der Sluijs (Project leader and lead mechanical)

NVPro 3D Printer with Automatic Parts Removal

New Valence Robotics teases their new 3D printer: the NVPro. Interesting feature is the integrated automatic parts removal.
It ejects the part from the build plate, so you can keep continuously printing new things. We will see it in realistic operating conditions hopefully...

Here is the product teaser:



If you want something similar in your machine there is a DIY project:


How to make big silicone molds from 3D printed objects

Volum3 from Romania made a tutorial on how to make large molds with several 3D printed parts acrylic plaster and silicone that can be used to cast relatively big objects from polyurethane foam.

Instructables page:


Single Actuator Wave-like 3D Printed Robot

SAW is a 3d printed robot that can crawl, swim and climb using wave motions with only one motor. And it looks creepy.

From project description:
SAW (single actuator wave-like robot) is the first robot that produces a pure wave-like motion with a single motor. The robot was developed for medical, industrial and search and rescue purposes. The design is simple, 3D printed and the passive wheels are for steering only. In the movie we show that the robot can crawl over different surfaces, climb and swim. It reached a maximum speed of 57 cm/s which is 5 times faster than any other similar robot.
The robot's design is simply and highly reliable very little maintenance was needed.
The robot's motion is similar to the "do the worm" dance.
The robot was developed at the Bioinspired and medical Robotics lab at BGU by David Zarrouk, Moshe Mann, Nir Dgani, Ilanit Waxman, Tal Yehuda, Nissan Jerbi and Amotz Hess.

Research paper:


SPRING Technologies was awarded the MM Award in the category of Software for NCSIMUL 4CAM at AMB 2016

The MM Award is awarded every two years during EuroBLECH by the trade magazine "Maschinenmarkt" and "blechnet".

SPRING Technologies was awarded the MM Award in the category of Software for NCSIMUL 4CAM at AMB 2016
For more information on the award winning technology go to www.NCSIMUL.com 


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cut flomio flower foam foam dart focus foldable food food safe foodini ford form 1 form 2 formlabs Formula foundry FRAC exhibition fractal frame framework France freed friction welding Front Drilling Cycle fuel3d fumes fun fundable furniture Furniture Design Future G Codes g-code G00 G01 G02 G02.1 G03.1 G07.1 G32 G33 G40 G41 G42 G70 G72 G73 G74 G75 G76 G77 G78 G79 G80 G83 G84 G85 G87 G88 G89 G90 G92 G94 gallium game gamechanger gaming Garage shop garage tool layout garden gartner ge gears geeks gemma geodesic geomagic germany gigabot github glass glass engraving cnc router glazing techniques glue gmax golemD google google glass gopro gpl granite Grasshopper Grasshopper attractor point Grasshopper data matching Grasshopper data trees Grasshopper Graph Mapper Grasshopper grids Grasshopper Image Sampler Grasshopper Light Painting Grasshopper Physics Simulation grasshopper planes tutorial Grasshopper tabs Grasshopper unroll tabs green guardian guerrilla gardening GUI guide Guitar Stand guitar stands gun magazines h-bot h480 Haas Vertical Mill hack hacking Hand carved rocking horse hand carving handheld handrail process haptic harvard Hass hbot hdpa health heat chamber heat gun heated 3d printing chamber heated build platform Helical Interpolation hexapod high strength HIPS history hollow out holograph Home Home CNC machine home manufacturing Home Shop CNC hot end hot glue Hot News hot to Hot-wire cutting hotend house household items how is china laser machine how is chinese cnc router how to HP humor huxley hybrid hype hyrel i2 i3 ice 3d printing idea lab ikea implant improv india indiegogo industrial industrial 3d printer infill infographic infrastructs injection molding ink inkjet 3d printer insects instructables instruction intel Intel Galileo intellectual property interior decoration interior decoration ceramic tiles interior design Interlocking Joint internet interview introduction to 3d printing Inventables ios ip ip rights ipad IR bed leveling irapid iron man Israel italy japan jet engine jewelry jinan laser jinan laser machine job jrx k8200 kai parthy kamermaker Kangaroo 2 Kangaroo 2 Catenary Kangaroo 2 Circle Pack Kangaroo 2 Planarize Kangaroo for Grasshopper Kangaroo Physics Kangaroo Tensile Forces kevlar key keyboard kickstarter kikai kinect kinetic sculpture kitchen cabinet process knife Korea kossel kossel air kraken Kuka PRC Kuka prc programming Kuka Robots KUKA|prc Kuka|prc sample l5 lamp large models large printer laser laser cut leather laser cutter laser cutting laser cutting foam laser cutting machine laser engraving machine laser machine laser machine sign laser machine video laser sintering lasercusing lasercut lasersaur latex lathe law lcd leap leapofrog leather led LED lights on figure sculpture leg lego lens lenticular printing letter cut letter cutting letter sign leveling leweb lewis LG liability library light bulb Light Painting Light Painting Stick limestone linear actuator Linear Bearings Linear Rails Linear Rails Upgrade link linux liquid Liquid Metal Jet Printing lisa lisa harouni lix lmd load bearing lock logo LOHAN london Longitudinal roughing cycle lost foam lost foam making lost foam mold making lost pla casting low cost low cost. LP lulzbot lumia lumifold lunavast lunchbox lyman lywood M Codes mach3 machine Machine Zero machinekit Machining machining wax madrid magazine magma magnetic filament magnets Mail (armour) maintenance make make magazine maker faire 2013 makeraser makerbot MakerBot Industries makerbotPLA MakerCon makerfaire makerfarm prusa makerslide makerware makible makibox making money with 3d printing maksim3d Malaysia mandel Manhattan manufacturer manufacturer video manufacturing map marble Mark Meier mark one mark34 market Marlin material materialise math plug-in mathematical object mathematics matsuura matterform Mazak mcor MDF Mebotics media medical applications of 3d printing medicine melamine mendel mendel90 mendelmax mendelmax 2 mesh related grasshopper plug-ins mesh related rhino plug-ins mesh repair for 3D printing meshes meshes in grasshopper meshes in rhino MeshUp metal 3d printing metal casting metal clay metal extruder metal filament metal hot end micro Microfactory microrax microscope microsoft MIG milestone military milkrap mill Milling mind interface mini cnc router miniFactory Mirror Image On / Off MIT mix MkMrA2 MkMrA2 shop mobile mobile 3d print control mobile factory moddler studios model quality modeling carving modification modillion carve modillion cnc router modillion engrave modillion engraving modillion machine modular mojo 3d printer mold molds molecule moon morgan mori motion motor motorola MRI mrrf MTU mug muli color multi color multi jet fusion multi materials multimod multiple guitar stands MULTIPLE REPETITIVE CYCLE Multiple Thread Cutting Cycle multitool museum music n nano nanobots nanoparticles NASA natural machines nature nerf gun nesting Netherlands new diy 3d printer new valence robotics new york newel post produce news newzealand cnc router nfc ninjaflex noisebridge nokia non cartesian Norway nozzle number cutting NV nyc nylon object Objet Objet Connex 500 octo extruder off topic office sign Offset Okuma Onsrud 5-axis router open sls open source open source 3d printer open source hardware openRail OpenSCAD optics optomec ordsolutions organic organic printing organovo orion ornament ornithopter os OS X otherfab othermachine othermill outdoor outdoor advertising p2p pandabot Panel Keys paper paper cut parametric parametric object by function parc Part Program partitioning partners past paste patent pbs pc pcb pcb milling Peck Drilling Cycle PEEK pellet pen people personal pet pet+ pets phantom desktop philips phoenix phone photo Photoformance photography photoshop pick and place pico piracy piratebay pirx PLA pla/pha plane components in grasshopper plant plasma cutter plastic mold plastic welding plasticine Plastics Plastics Overview play-doh plexy plotter plywood pocket poland polar polishing polyamide polycarbonate polyjet polypropylene polystyrene shaping polyurethane pongsat pop culture popfab porcelain poro-lay portabee portable 3d printer portable device portrait portrait sculpt portugal powder 3d printing power power supply precission cutter presentation preview price princeton print bed printhead Printrbot printrbot jr printxel problem problemsolving process products Profile turning Programmed Data Setting G10 project biped projet promotion prosthetic prosumer protoforge prototype prusa prusa i4 Publishing and Printing pump purse puzzle pva pvc pipes pwdr pypy python qr qu-bd quad extruder quadcopter quantum ord bot r360 Ra Ra radiant radio rail RAMBo RAMBo 1.2 ramps rapide raspberry pi re3d Recap recording Recreus recycling reddit relief sculpture repair repetier replacement part replacement parts replicator replicator2 reprap reprap wally reprappro repstrap resin retraction retro review RFID Rhino rhino math Rhino math plug-in Rhino meshes Rhino Nesting Grasshopper Sectioning Layout Rhino Python Rhino Python Scripting Rhino Python User Interface Rhino UI Rhino Unroll Rhino UnrollSrf Rhinoscript Rhombic Triacontahedron Fabrication; CNC Woodworking; 5-axis CNC richrap rings risk robo 3d robohand robot Robot Motion Study Robot Programming setup Robotic Digital Fabrication Robotic Light Paint Robotic Light Painting Robotic Motion Analysis robotic painting with light robots robox rocket rocking horse carved by hand ROFI rolls royce rostock rostock max rotary Rotating Model Stand Rotite rotomaak router rubber rubber band ruled surfaces russia safety sailplane Sainsmart sale samsung sand sand casting sander Sandvik Sanjay Mortimer satellite SAV scam scara school sciaky science screw sculpteo Sculpture Pedestals sea sectioning security sedgwick seed seemecnc selective laser sintering self assembly. sense sensor sensprout service servo setup KUKA|prc tutorial seuffer sf shandong laser Shapeoko shapeshop shapeways shapeways 3d printing sharing ship shoes shop Shop Built Side Table sieg siemens sign sign cut sign laser machine signage signature signing silicon silicone silk silver simpson Singapore single arm 3d printer singularity sintering Six-N-Sticks Skanect skimmer skull skylar tibbids sla slashdot slate slic3r slicer slip casting Slip Casting 3D Printed Objects slotted Slovenia sls smartphone smartrap Smoothieboard smoothing sneakey snowflake soapstone software soild concepts solar solder solid concepts solidator solidoodle solidoodle 2 solidoodle 4 solidus labs solution sony sound south africa space spaceX Spain spark speakers Spectrometer speed spider spin casting Spindle spoolhead sport spray 3d printing square carved rosettes Stack Lamination stair machine stair parts stair parts equipment stair parts processing stairparts machine Stamps School of Art & Design stanford star trek startups steampunk steel stepper stereolithography steve purdham stone stone carving store stratasys strength strong stuck students styrofoam block shaping styrofoam shaping subdivision mesh SubProgram success story sugar sugru suitcase sun Super Matter Tools support material surface surgery suspended deposition sweden swisspen Switzerland syringe table numbers cutting tablet tabletop tactile taiwan talk tangibot tantillus Tapping Cycle tattoo Taubman Colledge Taubman College Taubman college Agilus Workcell Taubman College FabLab taz 2 taz 3 taz 4 TED ted talks telescope temperature temperature measurement test testing textile the pirate bay theta thingiverse Thread threeform tiertime TIG tiger maple Tips Tips and Techniques titanium tool tool chain Tool Data Tool Nose Radius Compensation tools torrent Torus Knot Torus Knot Table touch touch x toy toyota TPE Transverse Cut-Off Cycle G75 trident trinitylabs trinityone trinket tu wien Turning turpentine tutorial tv Twist Table two color 3d printing type a machines Types of Plastic uav uformia UK ultem 2300 UltiController ultimaker ultimaker 2 ultimaker 3 ultrasonic unboxing university university of sauthampton unrolling up mini up plus 2 upgrade urethane USA usb user interface using a router to produce a ZBrush model using china cnc router uv 3d printing v-slot vader vapor velleman veterinary video vietnam viki lcd virtual reality virus visualization volumental voronator voronoi meshes voxeljet VR Vulture 2 vw Wallace Detroit Guitars wally Walnut Table wanhao warping wasp wasp 3d printer waste watch water water cooling wax way finding sign WCC CNC WCC NCT weapon wearable weaverbird web web app web interface wedding sign cutting wedding sign decoration cutting weistek Welding West Huron Sculptors what cnc router can do whiteant wideboy wifi wikiwep wind generator windows windows 8.1 Windows Keyboard Shortcuts windows mobile phone wire wire bender wired wireless 3d printing wobbleworks wood wood carving wood engraving wood frame 3d printer Wood Information Wood Joint Fabrication wood portrait Wood Species woodworking workflow working with planes in kuka|prc workspace x winder xeed xmass xt xyzprinting yale yeggi youth z axis zach hoeken ZBrush Basics ZBrush Decimation Master ZBrush Figure Sculpture ZBrush for Rhino users ZBrush Import and Export to and from Rhino ZBrush Portrait Sculpting ZBrush sculpting tutorial ZBrush Shaders Test ZBrush ZRemesher zeus zmorph zortrax китайский фрезерный станок с чпу фрезерный станок с чпу