Thingiverse user "niklasm" designed and 3d printed a fully working micro RC drone from tough resin on a Form 1.Technical specifications:battery: 150mAhthrust: 54gweight: 60gwingspan: 58cmdihedral: 15degflight...
New advances in resin materials with FormLabs Tough resin. SLA is surely being area of slow but steady developments and could take over FDM one day in desktop machines.Suitable for:High-impact/high-stress...
Christopher Barr wanted to make a 20 minute post SLA printing cleaning process of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) bath shorter so he made this simple DIY vibration cleaning bath that decreases the time by tenfold...
FormLabs has some resolutions for 2015 and they have made a fully 3d printable speaker project made from resins with different properties. Key resin property for the speaker is flexibility. Improved...
3d printing optical lenses is usually in domain of high tech companies, but Craig Broady developed and tested a method that enables you to print functional lenses on Form 1 + with clear resin. The...
Hyperform is design technology concept where you can print big structures in small 3d printer print volumes by transforming them into shapes that can be made with folding and interlocking chains. You'll...
Fromlabs released their new Form 1+ upgraded printer. It still has the same print volume as the previous version but performance is significantly improved.The upgraded Form 1+ features:A higher-power...
Here are some cool colored 3d printed molecule models printed on Form 1.From top to bottom, DNA, a bacteriophage, a carbon nanotube, ATP synthase, and an unfinished model of chromatin with DNA, nucleosomes,...
There are many accessories for filament printers, but what can you get for your SLA machine? Here is nice useful simple innovation: the resin rack.From the product description:Designed to be the ultimate...
From 1 owners rejoice! PreForm 1 is out of beta and ready for download!From Form 1 blog:Today, we’re thrilled to announce the release of PreForm 1.0.Shedding the beta suffix, as well as that pesky leading...
The guys from MAKE got their Form (those lucky b..oys ...) This is video on unboxing. Looks like a very solid machine. Their review will probably be up soon ...
Short video demonstration of Form software which drives the Form 1 stereolithographic 3d printer. Form Software Demo from Formlabs on Vimeo. Formlabs engineer Ian does a brief walkthrough of the intuitive Form Softw...
Form 1 affordable prosumer stereolithograpy 3d printer by Formlabs. They got all the funding in one day ... and then some. Technology sure is advancing rapidly ... Be sure to check their Kickstarter page for detailed specifications: