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Rabbit is project that aims to develop new type of extruder. Rabbit extruder features two printheads: one is capable of using any extrudable filament from ABS to Laywoo-D3 and the other one is a paste extruder, perfect when combined with Bare Conductive Paint.
Here is demonstration of 3d printed puzzle with embedded electronics, type of work for which the Rabbit is designed:
Rabbit extruder main page:
I was contacted on blogs facebook page with claims that the images of extruder used in this project belong to SeeMeCNC and were used without attribution by Rabbit project ...
Update 2 (29.4.2014.):
Here is a video of Rabbit Proto 3d printing a working game controller:
Update 3 (29.5.2014.):
Here is the interview with Alexandre Jais and Manal Dia of Rabbit Proto about how the system works:
Source: http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/14/05/27/2044212/printed-circuits-as-part-of-a-3-d-printed-object-video