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1.3CBM HF Vacuum Dryer2.Can dry big square timber and rare wood
3.Faster and more uniform
4. Minus pressure
5.Worm killin
High Frequency Wood Vacuum Dryer (3 CBM)
1. Features
1). In vacuum condition
drying at lower temperature.(60°C or lower, adjustable)
2). High Frequency heating. almost 17 times faster than conventional dryer.
(Drying time depends on wood type, size and moisture)
3). Cylinder pressure and press to prevent bending.
No cracking and no bending
4). It is suitable for all kinds of wood, especially for hard wood, rare wood.
It can save the time and cost.
Worm killing
and no color changing.
Does not need boiler No polution
2. Thoery
HF and Vacuum condition:
As HF heats from inside, so the core of wood will dry first, and then gradually to the outside, then the vacuum pump extract the moisture out from inside thus make the surface of wood is always wet, for some hard wood if the surface is dried quickly, there will be spark on the surface and leave permanent defect on the wood, but HF vacuum condition will totally eliminate the problem.
3. Temperature control: