Here is DAS RepRap or üBER RepRap: Kühling&Kühling RepRap Industrial. It's the Mercedes Benz of RepRaps.
Demo of tool-free belt tensioning system:
Demo of tool-free belt tensioning system:
- Specifically aimed at printing ABS with zero warping, low maintenance effort through highly accessible sub assemblies
- Rigid frame made of 20x20mm t-slot aluminium extrusion
- Fully enclosed by acrylic and wood, doors on the front
- A heated chamber capable of 65-70°C recirculating air temperature
- Heated PCB print bed
- Water cooled hot-ends and extruder steppers to ensure reliable extrusion in high ambient air temperature
- Fully parametric design in OpenSCAD
- Dual extruders, primarily for use with different nozzle diameters for perimeters/infill to save printing time on big objects (we are testing with 0.35mm for perimeters and 0.75mm for infill at the moment)
- 3mm filament diameter
- Compact, rigid parts with integrated mounting points for endstops and such
- Activated-carbon air filter to remove unpleasant smell of molten plastic
- Cable management
- Semi-automatic print bed levelling makes calibrating the machine a matter of seconds
- Z-leadscrew bearing supported on both ends, sugru spider coupling for absolutely wobble-free operation
- 12mm precision ground shafts with LM12UU linear ball bearings on all axes (will be replaced by Igus RJMP, see below)
- Tool-free belt tensioning with built-in thumbwheels
- Direct-drive extruders with high torque geared stepper motors
- Permanent printbed material (FR4) – no Kapton or PET tape needed
- Adjustable nozzle height to align both extruders on the same level
- 200x200x200mm build volume
- Custom designed, precision extruder drive gears to provide enough grip on the filament in a heated enviroment
- Integrated LED lighting
- Hotends from with 40W each for short heat up time
- RAMPS 1.4 controller board – we will give the R.U.M.B.A. a try as soon as it is delivered.
- Modular additional MOSFET driver boards for lights and fans
- Brand new high power 15A MOSFET driver boards (still in development bycarbonfrog) for chamber heaters, total power >550W
- ATX power supply 1000W
- Water cooling based on a EHEIM/Innovatec PCPS1104 water pump
Upcoming development
Price: unknown, it's still under development
- Raspberry Pi with a 10″ capacitive touch interface for ethernet enabled standalone operation
- Touch optimized user interface for the raspberry pi is in development
- The frame will be revised for 30x30mm extrusions, so we can use T-slot nuts that can be swivelled in, providing much easier assembly. These nuts are poorly available for 20x20mm extrusions
- All LM12UU linear ball bearings will be replaced by low maintenance Igus RJMP slide bearings that are rated for continuous use in 90°C ambient temperature
- Magnetic door locks
Price: unknown, it's still under development