3d diy printer problemsolving: How to prevent bending when printing big objects

Thanks to youtube user JMEMetzel's instuction video, here is an interesting way to prevent warping or bending when 3d printing large objects on your diy 3d machine. Problem happens when there is a difference in cooling of ABS plastic due to a size of a printed object. He solved it by placing holes...

Twist Table

This was a project I did in conjunction with Al Pierce at Taubman College. It's a dining table made from laminated bending plywood. Here's the computer rendering:Design / JoineryThis project uses six...

3d printing with metal

Metal 3d printing. Looks complicated (even if its not). Heavy machinery, multiple stage process, models are fragile at early stage. Still, I can imagine it is much harder to get metal object with complex aesthetics using "regular" methods of metal wo...

3d printed car parts by Objet

Video of Objet presentation models. There are printed on industral scale 3d printers, but still the technology is fascinating. Video shows regular size fully functioning car dashboard printed, glued and painted. The joints on it are moving and everything looks very solid and detailed. After it, the...

Printrbot - new player on diy 3d printing scene

It seems that there is new diy 3d printing project emerging: Printrbot by Brook Drumm.Main advantages:45 minute assembly timeless than 2 hours from starting the build to first printprice under $500, electronics and motors includeduses derivative of Wade's extruderSanguinololu electronicsmost of...

3d printed toy dart gun

I'v posted some 3d printed  model weapon parts and model guns, but this is working toy foam dart and rubber band pistol.Video shows how to assemble it and how it works. Kudos to the author!Thingiverse link:http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:7...

3d printed aircraft from University of Southampton

Engineers at the University of Southampton have designed and flown the first 3d printed aircraft. Nice project!It was printed on EOS EOSINT P730 industrial 3d printer. Hopefully someone will create something similar for DIY crowd.Here are some videos: Update: SULSA drone is now launched from...

Printing working model multitool on industrial 3d printer

I am fan of multitools. Many functions in one package. Transformers of tool world.This is a video of functioning multitool model with moving components being printed on industial 3d printer. I can see that material innovations will drive 3d printing technology and vice versa. I hope to see...

DIY 3d milling of magnetic fields